Friday, October 7, 2011

Articles of Health: Reversing Thalassaemia, Ulcerated Colitis, and Bre...

Articles of Health: Reversing Thalassaemia, Ulcerated Colitis, and Bre...: The following email is an unsolicited testimony of a young woman from England who has embraced the pH Miracle Lifestyle and Diet and has rev...

What is health?

In 1948, the World health assembly defined health as “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”.
Health is a state in which all bodily cells and organs and all mental, emotional and spiritual faculties, are in harmony with each other and each of them is fulfilling its duties to perfection. Health is a state of happiness joy, love and closeness to one’s own self. Health is an experience! Perfect Health is our birthright!
Healthy persons move around in the world fulfilling their duties with lightness, ease and cheerfulness as if carried by a mysterious force at all time. Healthy people are full of energy and vitality and have the ability to truly enjoy life.

Health quotes:

“Health is that state, in which a man sleeps well, digests his food well, is quite at ease, is free from any kind of disease or uneasiness, the pulse rate and the rate of respirations are in perfect order and the bodily temperature is normal. A healthy man is capable of doing work for a long time without getting fatigued. He possess the highest kind of mental and physical efficiency”
Swami Sivananda

“Health is the thing that makes you feel that now is the best time of the year”.
Franklin P. Adams

“He who has health, has hope; and he who has hope, has everything”.
Thomas Carlye

Health is true Wealth and true Freedom!
For more on Raw Alkaline Diet and lifestyle visit the Raw Alkaline Diet site

Why Raw Alkaline Diet

Why the Raw Alkaline Diet can better your health and...Improve the quality of your life?

  • It Builds healthy blood, which means healthy cells and healthy body
  • It stops the composting of the body which means you look and feel younger
  • It heals, rejuvenate and balance your body and mind.
  • It soothes the nervous system and bestow clarity of vision.
  • It brings you to your natural ideal weight without even trying, regardless whether you are overweight or underweight. PH Balance is the key!
  • It Cleanses you and nourishes you at the same time.

Natural Healers...

Bed news - Good news
Perfect health is our Birthright! Our doctors should be:

  • Dr. Pure Sun light
  • Dr. Clean Air
  • Dr. Clean water
  • Dr. Pure  food
  • Dr. Good sleep
  • Dr. Daily Exercise and Relaxation
  • Dr. Positive attitude.

...Most of our natural healers have been polluted. We breath polluted air, we drink polluted water and we eat polluted food that no longer supplies us with the nutrients we require. We hardly fall into deep sleep due to high levels of stress and... Because of our intense/insane lifestyle we don't really get to exercise or move our bodies enough even if we get to the gym a few times a week. So...We need help! for more information visit the Raw Alkaline Diet site